How to get a Commercial Activity License Philadelphia

Be sure when starting this process that everything matches. The name on the deed of your property should match the name under which you are registering for your Tax ID and Commercial Activity License. If they don't you will run into errors and have to begin the process again. It should also be noted that the city doesn't currently seem to acknowledge single member LLCs. 

This is correct to the best of our knowledge as of April 2024. However, the process has underdone some changes and could change again at any time. 

1. First you will need a Philadelphia Tax ID. You may want to check with your accountant to see if you already have one. If not, you can register for one here:

2. Gather the following information that you may need to get your license.

  • Owner's social security or EIN Number 
  • Owner's birthdate if property is owned in the name of the individual instead of a company

3. Go to

  • Create a log in or use your existing log in.

4. From the main homepage in Eclipse, click the button for Register for a New Activity License.

5. Click Next and then click the radial button for Commercial Activity

6. Click the correct radial button for Individual or Company depending on if you own the property as an entity or in a personal name

7. Enter your information

Some people encounter an error message stating that they cannot get the license due to a “tax clearance issue”.  If this is the case, use the email provided in the system to email the city to find out what is needed to correct this. Keep in mind, it often takes them a few days to respond and you may have to follow up. 
